Micros POS Training
brought to you by poslifeline.com
Hi, I'm Jason Thompson. I've been in the restaurant industry for more than 20 years. I've washed dishes, waited tables, bartended, managed and operated night clubs and restaurants from Chicago to Miami. I've worked with accountants, auditors and the city to get new places opened up and operational. I was the typical Operator - working 6 days a week, on call for the 7th and constantly feeling behind the ball.
Our nightclub had outgrown our POS system and after doing all the research, I chose Micros as our new system. Micros is a great system but if you found this website, I don't have to tell you - it's expensive and takes a little effort to get it working correctly!
Over the years, as Micros has grown and the software expanded, I noticed that there weren’t articles, a good reference book or any kind of training options out there that I could use to do the day to day programming.
When I left the business I wrote a book on how to maintain and program the Micros POS system for my replacement - and she was blown away. That's when I knew I could share this with other managers and really help independent operators.
In 2007 I started a restaurant consulting company and began to consult with small and medium sized restaurants and bars. I noticed that many of the owners and managers, already stretched with responsibility, didn’t have time to learn a system as complex as the Micros system. The POS system, initially installed to simplify the life of a manager or owner, had taken on a life of its own and desperately needed to be cleaned up and streamlined.
In 9 out of 10 cases after the system had been in place for a while, the menus were so overpopulated with buttons that were no longer in use that any employee (server, bartender, manager) who hadn’t been with the business for a long time had an extremely difficult time navigating though it in order to properly place a customer’s order. Not to mention the reporting headaches when trying to make heads or tails out of the sales data!
As a consultant, I saw the effect of this on the bottom line. The more time a server spent searching through menus the less time they were able to spend on the floor with their customers. The effect of this is considerable. Customer service was compromised and the ability to up sell or turn a table more quickly was greatly reduced. Mistakes were 3 times what they were in a similar environment that had somebody that knew how to easily and efficiently keep the POS system up to date. In a busy environment the wrong orders become wasted product. Finally I noticed that when a new employee was hired not only did they have to learn a new menu and potentially a new system, now they had to know the tricks of the veteran employees regarding how special orders were placed through the POS system.
A few years ago I began selling that book online to people just like yourself. And it has taken off! After selling that eBook worldwide (Russia, the Middle East, Europe, Alaska, 35 continental states and Hawaii) it hit me - why not make videos that actually showed people how to do the changes! I know that actually seeing how it's done is WAY more helpful to me. People kept asking me for them so here they are!
So that's my story! I hope that you find all of the resources here extremely helpful.
And as always - I'm here to answer whatever questions you may have!
To your Success,
Jason Thompson
POS Lifeline

Your videos were incredibly helpful. I haven't worked on micros in a few years, and I needed to know the system for my upcoming job. I found the videos easy to watch, well organized, and it made the process a lot easier than expected. I hope you have continual success with your informative site. Bravo.
Herb Taylor
I have recently purchased your manual from POS Lifeline, and I have found it to be an indispensible tool.
Andrew Engler, Operator
I would highly recommend to anyone in the service business to retain these services and improve the efficiency of their system.
Jack McCormick, Owner, Island Grill, FL
Jason's value in the hospitality business is priceless. He listens to his clients needs, has attention to detail, recognizes the urgency of getting things done on time and knows the value of a dollar.
Bob Johnson, Owner, Sushi House, IL
At a critical time when no one in our company was proficient with Micros, the training sessions we received from POS Lifeline were critical and they were thorough, educational and pertinent to our needs. And then there were times of crises where we desperately needed their assistance. Invaluable!
Linda Jackson, HR / Office Manager, Icy Strait Point, Hoonah, AK
I have enjoyed learning Micros in the one on one environment at my own pace. I find the manual very easy to read and understand - and have used it regularly since completing my basic training. I highly recommend POS Lifeline training sessions to anyone in the restaurant industry!
Suzanne Perry, Owner - Datz Deli, Tampa, FL
... just wanted tell you how much we appreciated your help. The manual is great and it has helped us way beyond its price already. The free consult with you personally was worth more than the price of the book in itself. I was really impressed by the fact that you had been in the restaurant business yourself for quite some time. It really does make a difference. You will be our "go to guy" from this point forward
- Rodney Young, Owner, Colby's Cafe, Arkansas